Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are a relatively old technology from the 1970s that has progressed from simple red indicators on electronic products to a range of new applications including flash lights, exit signs, traffic lights, signage, and many more.
LEDs are solid state semiconductor devices, meaning there are no gases, filaments, or moving parts. Electricity is passed between metal or alloy gaps. This solid state conduction of electricity requires less energy to create the desired light, produces much less heat, and is more durable with no damageable moving parts.
LEDs are available in many colors including white, deep blue, blue, green, yellow, amber, orange, red, bright red and deep red. Color composition of light emitted is based on chemical composition of the material being excited (by electricity). The brightest LEDs currently available are made from indium gallium nitride (InGaN) semiconductors which enable the development of the white light LED.
For red, amber, yellow, green and blue LEDs, new materials have been developed that are more efficient than traditional materials, producing efficacies (lumens per watt) greater than incandescent lamps and rivaling fluorescent lamps.
LED lighting comes in many different forms and is compatible with most systems. There are screw in models that can replace incandescent bulbs, and other models for replacing halogen bulbs. A range of LED fixtures for replacing MR16 lamps, display lighting, under-cabinet light, cove lighting, underwater lighting, architectural details and other applications are available. Colored LED arrays are used in some of these applications, combining red, blue and green LEDs to produce millions of colors, including white light.
LED Christmas lights are also popular. They are available as rope lights, exterior icicle strings, garlands, and more. |